Tony Baraz Accidentally Showcases New Wireless PA Speakers

Ahhh, Facebook…The place for people who love to make their lives “Open Source.” We love it to – especially when people inadvertently make things open source they’re not supposed to…

Case in point: Tony Baraz. Tony was so amped to put up an image of the new MPC Renaissance that he forgot about some of the new products that were in the background. Whoops! Well his misguided adventure is now your scoop of the day!

Since this scene appears to be from a Numark / Guitar Center pre-NAMM, dog ‘n’ pony show of their upcoming 2012 products (Those are GC folk in the background. —Ed.), we can only guess that the product in question is most likely a new Alto Wireless PA speaker (interestingly enough there’s a wire coming out of the back…) that will be unveiled at NAMM, er, ah, now probably earlier since Tony let the cat out of the bag.
Tony shows off new Alto wireless speakers...

Remember Kids: This is your brain, this is your brain on Facebook.

Related: Numark purchased Alto Professional about a year ago.

Author: FutureMusic

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