Logitech Announces Squeezebox Boom – Network Music Sound System
Logitech has announced the Squeezebox Boom, an all-in-one network music player. With the Squeezebox Boom, you can listen to your digital music in the kitchen, the bedroom or any other room in your home without needing to attach external speakers. Just plug the new Logitech network music player into a power outlet – there are no additional wires to connect. Then, using your existing home network, you can listen to the music you love...
Cerwin-Vega Releases Bass Management Information
Cerwin-Vega has released Understanding Bass Management In PA Systems, an eleven page PDF document that many musicians will find informative. The short pamphlet reveals several aspects of sound reinforcement in easy to understand language. Understanding the Crossover Excerpt Thus far, you’ve made your best choice of type, size, and cost of a subwoofer. You also have the amplifier and speaker cables sorted out. All that’s left is...