Prosecution Stumbles Badly In Pirate Bay Copyright Infringement Trial

Swedish prosecutors stumbled badly on the first day of their copyright infringement trial against the founders of the BitTorrent-driven Pirate Bay. Besides having trouble with their own technology – they couldn’t get their PowerPoint presentation to work – the prosecution didn’t seem to grasp exactly how BitTorrent trackers actually work. Due to the fumble, all charges pertaining to “assisting copyright...

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RIAA Reportedly Close To Solidifying Deals With Leading ISPs To Police Networks

The Recording Industry Association of America is reportedly putting the final touches on deals with the leading Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the States to police their networks for illegal file sharing. The RIAA announced that they were dropping their unpopular litigation campaign last month, but that may be because they have offered ISPs a sweet incentive deal to clean up their dirty pipes. Although, the “leading...

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