Aerial7 Debuts New Tank DJ Headphones

Aerial7, a new headphone company in the Skullcandy mode, has dropped a new line of DJ-oriented headphones dubbed the Tank. The company claims the phones are “engineered to deliver the highest-quality listening experience from your mp3 player, cell phone or other music device.” However, your mileage may vary. What we can say is that this company is definitely trying to be fashion-forward with provocative graphics and...

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Think Geek Unleashes Bliptronic 5000 LED Synthesizer

“If HAL 9000 mated with R2-D2 and their electronic offspring was tutored by Kraftwerk it would probably end up something like the Bliptronic 5000 LED Synthesizer.” —Think Geek’s Crack Marketing Team Think Geek’s new Bliptronic 5000 8-Bit synthesizer/sequencer is the first musical instrument by the eclectic cataloger. With an interface that’s reminisent of the Tenori-On, Monome, Block and the new...

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