France Passes “3 Strikes” Illegal Downloading Law

France’s “three strikes” illegal downloading law passed the French Senate earlier this week. The contentious law will give downloaders of copyrighted works two warnings before cutting off their Internet service for a year. The law sets up a special government anti-piracy agency who will police the net with Web Sheriffs, dubbed Internauts. Though the new law still faces a court battle and may rub against current...

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Pirate Bay Founders Guilty Of Copyright Infringement – Sentenced To Year In Jail

In a ruling that will be heard around the world, the Stockholm District Court sentenced Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, Peter Sunde, Fredrik Neij and Carl Lundstrom, founders of The Pirate Bay, to one year each in prison, and to pay damages of 30 million kronor ($3.6 million) to several entertainment companies, including Warner Bros, Sony Music Entertainment, EMI and Columbia Pictures. The founders were convicted Friday of violating...

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