Richard|Solo Releases iPod / iPhone Backup Battery

Richard|Solo, a company founded by Richard Thalheimer of The Sharper Image fame, has released its first product, a Backup Battery for Apple’s iPod’s and iPhone. The compact battery connects to the iPod and iPhone via 30-pin connector, and features a lightweight black aluminum case with LED status lights. The company claims that the 1200 mAh lithium-ion battery can take hundreds of charges and can provide up to double the...

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Samsung Unveils S2 Pebble MP3 Player & S3 Slim Portable Media Player

Samsung has announced the S2 Pebble MP3 Player and S3 Slim Portable Media Player (PMP). Samsung’s newest additions to their line of portable media players are available in a variety of colors and have been developed with a comfortable and ergonomic form factor to ensure that each player not only fits in a hand or pocket, but is also easy to use. Samsung’s proprietary sound technology, Digital Natural Sound engine 2.0 (DNSe)...

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