Mr. Rogers’ Synthesizer

“I bet the kids love this…” Mr. Rogers, a stalwart of American’s Generation X, was way ahead of the curve when he declared, “I bet the kids love this…” after receiving a demonstration of a homemade synth by Bruce Haack in 1968. Bruce Haack produced some of the earliest pieces of electronic music in the 1960’s, and built many of his own synthesizers, even though he would modestly claim he...

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Think You Need Records To Be A Turntablist?

The digital DJ world continues to make ground on vinyl. The latest shot across the bow is the new Vestax VCI-300 MIDI DJ Controller married to Serato’s new ITCH DJ mixing software. As you can see from the video below, it’s only a matter of time… For those who desire a larger platter, Numark is readying their NS7 and Stanton is reportedly putting the final touches on their SC...

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