How Did Akai Come Up With The Name Rhythm Wolf?

Product names can turn into mythical realms of their own, think 808 or MiniMoog, but sometimes they can leave you scratching your head. Enter the Akai Rhythm Wolf. After teasing the company with our “Hungry Like The Rhythm Wolf” story, we got to wondering how the company, known more for their alphanumerical monikers, came up with the name “Rhythm Wolf.” So we asked…
What's Up With Rhythm Wolf Name?

Paul Buckley, the affable Director Of Marketing for inMusic, revealed, “it was actually the internal code name for the product when it was in development, and it just stuck.”

While the reviews for Akai’s Rhythm Wolf have been decidedly mixed, it’s now only $199 and been seen in quite a few circuit benders’ workshops.

Author: FutureMusic

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