Korg Offers Free Online Newsletter

Company Finally Discovers The Internet

Korg has entered the new millennium, albeit few years too late, but who’s counting, by announcing Korg ProView Extra, a free bi-monthly consumer e-newsletter. Each issue of ProView Extra contains an in-depth artist profile, plus tips and tutorial articles that cover the key topics of keyboards, recording and guitar. Maybe even an article or two on why they developed the Oasys instead of a keyboard with new technology that someone can actually afford.

The focus of ProView Extra is to inform and educate and is geared toward current owners of Korg products who will find useful information on their products – meaning a lot of advertainment articles. Korg claims the articles are written by leading music industry professionals, guest artists and Korg USA “experts” – some may even be accompanied by, brace yourself, audio and visual examples. No! Not multimedia!! Crazy, Nutty, Coo-Coo!!!

Korg ProView Extra signup.

Author: FutureMusic

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