Alan Dante Sets dB Drag Racing World Record With 180.5dB

Alan Dante from Lorton, Virginia, set a new world record on August 31st in a dB Drag competition with a 180.5dB peak using a single Digital Designs subwoofer. Dante’s concrete filled Volvo contained a Digital Designs 9918Z 18″ subwoofer receiving 26,000 watts of power from four Stetsom 7KD amplifiers.

To power all that action Dante used 15 Powermaster 16 volt batteries and a Flux Capacitor. We can’t even begin to imagine how loud 180.5dB is…but it’s probably like having a bomb blow up right next to you. Dante has been a dB Drag Racing Finalist in 5 of the last 6 years with two World Records to date…

Author: FutureMusic

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