Heritage Audio has released the Grandchild 670, a two-slot 500-Series module based on its Herchild Model 670 stereo Vari-MU compressor .
In use for over six decades of music production, the sound of the stereo Vari-MU compressor has become quite sought after. But squeezing all that engineering know-how into a compact two-slot 500-Series module that somehow still encapsulates all of Herchild Model 670’s musical mojo is something else entirely.
Heritage Audio Grandchild 670 Stereo Vari-MU Compressor 500-Series

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Meet Grandchild 670, featuring four military-grade NOS 6BA6 tubes – two per channel – and three custom-made transformers at its core to ensure that its user’s tracks will receive the attention they deserve with all the warmth and punch possibly imaginable. Furthermore, five attack and release times are available via its TIME C. control, making it even more flexible than the original unit in that regard, while its progressive DC THR. (threshold) combines control of the ratio and knee settings (from hard limiting through to a transparent, very smooth-sounding compression). Continuously variable slope access is immediately available at all times, too.
Four Military-Grade NOS 6BA6 Tubes
Grandchild Specs:
- Input Impedance: 15k?
- Output Impedance: 50?
- Output Level: +29 dBu.
- Frequency Response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz ± 0.5 dB.
- Self Noise: Less than -78 dBu.
- Harmonic Distortion: Less than 0.5 % at any level up to +24 dBu output (no compression).
- Dimensions (W x H x L): 180 mm x 133 mm x 75 mm.
- Weight: 1.120 Kg.
- Consumption: At least 400mA per slot (+16V/-16V).

But best of all, Grandchild 670 delivers the still-sought-after sound that history has proven so worthwhile while only taking up two slots of anyone’s 500-Series power rack — whether a lunchbox model from the American company that invented the modern modular 500-Series format many years ago or, better still, something from Heritage Audio’s own OST- range.