Analogue Solutions Releases Vostok2020

Analogue Solutions has released the Vostok2020, the fourth incarnation of Tom Carpenter’s semi-modular, analog synth that takes the best parts of the prior Vostok V2 and V3 Deluxe predecessors and combines them for the 2020 designation.

Analogue Solutions Vostok2020 Front

Analogue Solutions claim that the entire audio path — including the real mechanical Spring Reverb, which employs three actual, and all of the extensive modulation signal routings are analog using circuits based on Seventies-vintage designs. The flexible MATRIXSYNTH matrix panel, a matrix-based patchboard that uses removable colored pins for semi-modular patching duties. The MIDI-CV/NOTE SEQUENCER section (acting as a MIDI-to-CV convertor and a simple yet effective note loop sequencer) and associated rear-side MIDI T (Thru) and I (In) connections, provide the Vostok2020’s connectivity.



Vostok2020’s spacious, modern front panel puts some features that are all patchable right at your fingertips, VCO 1, VCO 2, and VCO 3 (with sawtooth, square, and pulse width wave shapes); VCO-patchable RING MOD (ring modulation); two voltage-controlled low frequency oscillators — VC LFO 1 and VC LFO 2 — each with sawtooth, inverse sawtooth, square, and triangle wave shapes, the frequency of which can be controlled by the F CV (x15) input; looping eight-step analog CV/GATE SEQUENCER; moving coil SIGNAL METER — more for control voltage than audio; JOY STICK controller for realtime control (with patchable RANGE X and RANGE Y controls); SPRING REVERB; EXTERNAL connections (for patching signals into or out of the MATRIXSYNTH panel); two ADSR-style envelope generators — EG 1 and EG 2 — that can also act as an LFO with programmable wave shape; SH/NOISE sample-and-hold and white noise generator; six-input audio or CV mono MIXER; MULTIMODE FILTER/VCA 12dB diode ladder filter, similar to Korg’s classic Seventies-vintage MS20 semi-modular synthesizer, with separate voltage-controlled amplifier (that needs to be patched in to operate); and (above- mentioned) MATRIXSYNTH matrix panel with an LED (Light Emitting Diode) inside the socket of each signal destination.

Analogue Solutions Vostok2020 back view

Analogue Solutions’ Vostok2020 is available now for £3,200 excluding tax and delivery.
Analogue Solutions

Author: FutureMusic

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