Soundworks has delivered a gem of a mini documentary about the sound design and composing team behind the haunting Blade Runner sequel. Blade Runner 2049, directed by Denis Villeneuve (Sicario / Arrival), takes place thirty years in the future of the original, starring Harrison Ford.
Although the first film was considered a dud at the box office, considering Ford’s star power and Ridley Scott’s directing prowess, it did gain momentum over the years, especially when Scott’s Director Cut was released, eliminating the awful voice over, which provided unnecessary exposition and detracted from the indelible mood.
When a sequel was announced, with Ryan Gosling in the lead role and Harrison Ford returning to reprise his role as Decker, the cult fan base erupted with unbridled enthusiasm. However, this was no easy task. When fans learned that Ridley Scott decided to hand over directing duties to Villeneuve and take a back seat as an “Executive Producer,” expectations plummeted. We’re happy to report Blade Runner 2049, not only elevates the originality of the first film, but takes the storyline into new realms that will stay with you long after you exit the theater.
Soundworks’ video features supervising sound editor Mark Mangini, sound designer Theo Green, re-recording mixer Doug Hemphill and Ron Bartlett, picture editor Joe Walker and Composers Hans Zimmer and Benjamin Wallfisch.