Waldorf Debuts Microwave 1 Plug-In

Waldorf has released the Microwave 1 Plug-in for Mac and PC. The company claims it was recreated from the original hardware with all its distinctive features and singularities. Waldorf Music analyzed and modelled the original instruments down to the smallest sonic details of every aspect of the hardware.? Its unique sound was based on proprietary digital and analogue designs long before the following generations of DSP-based instruments were conceived.?

Waldorf Microwave 1 Plug-In

waldorf microwave 1 plug-in

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Only the ?rst generation of the Microwave and also the Waldorf Wave were based on a custom developed integrated circuit called the Waldorf ASIC. In combination with the legendary Curtis ?lter chips and a very unique 68k CPU based controller software the ASIC de?ned a very special ?avor of wavetable sound. Wolfgang Palm helped to design this unique chip. Waldorf Music took a huge e?ort to analyze and recreate this integrated circuit within the plug-in. As the original, the plug-in runs the internal synthesis with the ultra high sampling rate of 250 kHz regardless of the DAW sampling rate. The recreated digital waveforms have been bit-by-bit compared with the original to be 100% identical. The digital noise was rebuilt with all its wonderful artifacts.

Even the old-school digital-to-analog converters of the original hardware were modeled with their non-linearities and tone shaping color which were leading into the two Curtis ?lter chips variants used for the revisions A and B of the original hardware. The plug-in also allows artificial detuning and recalibration of the analogue components.

Even the old-school digital-to-analog converters of the original hardware were modeled with their non-linearities and tone shaping color…

The SM4 claims to be optimized to capture a wide range of sound sources, from soft vocals to loud instruments, including drums, guitar amps, and horns, with exceptionally high sound pressure level (SPL) handling capabilities (max SPL of 140dB).


Waldorf MicroWave Rack

The Microwave 1 Plug-in, with its modern graphical user-interface, reveals many aspects of the synthesis engine which were hidden before in the original hardware by its sparse, hard-to-use interface. A fully scalable modern interface with readable high-contrast fonts supports an intuitive sound editing process with many graphical representations of the wavetables, envelopes and ?lter response curves using animations for modulations and playing positions.

For the first time, they’ve revealed the inner workings of the Microwave. The user can now easily edit existing wavetables and create new ones using the internal control tables. All the original wavetables are available with their control structures and the full original waveform catalogue. In addition to user wavetables, also user waveforms can be created within the plug-in. Additional randomization modes make wavetable editing fun and sonically surprising as experienced never before.

The multi-mode becomes now a weapon of its own for sound design. Originally hard to edit from the panel, the plug-in UI now allows a quickly layering of single sounds to create the most complex and exciting sonic structures. An easy to use mixer page enables precise adjustment of the sonic relationships. Even sophisticated functions, such as tuning and velocity tables, have been implented and can be modified within the user interface.

All the original factory single and multi-mode sounds are contained in the plug-in in combination with new and modern sound presets. Original MIDI and Sys-Ex dump files can be imported. Moreover, the plug-in can be used to control the original hardware.


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Waldorf’s Microwave 1 plug-in is available now as VST, VST3, AU and AAX for MacOS and Windows for €149.

Author: FutureMusic

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