Erica Synths has collaborated with 112dB to develop the NightVerb, a new hardware reverb unit. Erica hasn’t provided a lot of details on the NightVerb, which looks like a great complement to their Perkons HD-01 drum synth, but they do specify that it’s a “stereo reverb with a unique and musical custom algorithm.” What that musical custom algorithm is hard to say, but Erica does tout that it has save/recall functions for all parameters, which could mean full MIDI implementation for DAW automation and comes in “a sleek aluminum case” that is in line with their other desktop units. The NightVerb does look to contain what our reviewers feel are “the best knobs in the business.”
Erica Synths NightVerb

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Based on the image released by Erica Synths, the Nightverb contians a predelay (up to 200ms), size, shape, feedback and spin. There are also controls for stereo width (up to 200%), a single dial for early and late reflections, low and high damp controls plus bass and treble knobs.
Extremely long decay tails without loss of harmonic integrity…
Erica Synths claims the NightVerb, in which they collaborated with plug-in developer 112dB, has a proprietary algorithm that is capable of “extremely long decay tails without loss of harmonic integrity.” Based on SuperBooth observations, the NightVerb has some other attributes to pitch-shift individual notes to create ambient textures.
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