Sequential has announced desktop versions of their popular Prophet-5 and Prophet-10 Rev 4 synths. They feature the same authentic vintage sound and front-panel controls as the Prophet-5 and Prophet-10 keyboards, but in a smaller form factor designed for portability and space-conscious studios.
“Our introduction of the Prophet-5 and Prophet-10 Rev 4 keyboards has been hugely successful. At the same time, a lot of people have been asking us for an easy way to fit them into a smaller studio space or into a touring rig,” commented Sequential founder and original Prophet-5 designer Dave Smith. “It was an easy decision to create a desktop module to fill that need. The great thing is, we managed to fit the same big, ballsy sound of the full Prophet-5 into a desktop model. It sounds every bit as awesome.”

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Sequential Prophet Desktop Modules

Like the keyboard versions, the new Prophet-5 and Prophet-10 modules feature two multi-waveform analog oscillators, analog resonant low-pass filters and amplifiers, and a filter and amplifier envelope per voice. Modulation is provided by a multi-waveshape LFO and Poly Mod. For those who are unfamiliar with Poly Mod, it’s, a modulation scheme that allows the filter envelope and oscillator B to be routed to a variety of destinations including filter cutoff frequency, oscillator A frequency, and oscillator A pulse width.
And just like the new Prophet-5/10 Rev 4 keyboards, the modules feature genuine Curtis VCOs and filters as used in the Prophet-5 Rev 3, as well as the Dave Rossum-designed SSI 2140 filter — the modern counterpart of the original SSM 2040 Rossum designed in the Prophet-5 Rev 1 and Rev 2. A Rev switch on the front panel allows users to switch between the two as desired.
Also present is the new Vintage knob, which loosens up the oscillators, filters, and envelopes from voice to voice as they typically are in vintage Prophet-5s. Users can dial in progressively more vintage character from a very stable “4,” as in Prophet-5 Rev4, all the way to “1,” as in Prophet-5 Rev1, which was the most temperamental of all Prophet-5s. The original factory sound set is included as well.
Other modern enhancements include velocity sensitivity and aftertouch to increase expressiveness, as well as MIDI and USB connectivity. Control voltage and gate ins/outs are also present for connecting modular synths and other gear. The new modules are housed in a premium-quality, steel case with hand-oiled sustainable black walnut heartwood trim.
The Prophet-5 module puts the power of Sequential’s analog poly synth on your desktop. Like the full keyboard version, it’s “the best of all Prophet-5s” because it embodies all three Prophet-5 revisions — Rev1, Rev2, and Rev3 — through the use of genuine Curtis analog VCOs and filters (as in the Rev3) as well as new 2140 low-pass filters designed by Dave Rossum, like the 2040 filters he designed in the original Rev1 and Rev2. A Rev switch lets you choose between the two filter designs. It also adjusts the Filter Envelope’s shape and response to match the original Prophet Rev 1/2 or Rev 3 respectively.
Prophet-5 Module Specifications:
➤ Two authentic CEM 3340 voltage-controlled oscillators per voice
➤ Simultaneously selectable wave shapes. Oscillator A: sawtooth, pulse. Oscillator B: sawtooth, triangle, pulse.
➤ Pulse width per oscillator
➤ Hard sync: Oscillator A syncs to Oscillator B
➤ Low frequency mode (Oscillator B)
➤ Keyboard tracking on/off (Oscillator B)
➤ Oscillator A amount
➤ Oscillator B amount
➤ White noise amount
➤ Four-pole, resonant, low-pass filter per voice
➤ Switchable between authentic versions of the Prophet-5 Rev1/2 filter and Prophet-5 Rev3 filter
➤ Rev1/2 filter is a Dave Rossum-designed 2140, the modern counterpart of the original 2040 filter found in the Prophet-5 Rev1 and Rev2
➤ Rev3 filter is a Doug Curtis-designed CEM 3320
➤ Filter can be driven into self-oscillation with the Resonance control
➤ Keyboard tracking: off, half, full
➤ Four-stage (ADSR) envelope generator
➤ Velocity modulation of envelope amount
➤ Four-stage (ADSR) envelope generator
➤ Velocity modulation of envelope amount
➤ Three wave shapes: sawtooth, triangle, square. All waveshapes can be engaged simultaneously
➤ Both Initial Amount and mod wheel control
➤ Mod destinations: oscillator A frequency, Oscillator B frequency, Oscillator A and B pulse width, filter cutoff
➤ Sources: filter envelope and Oscillator B
➤ Destinations: Oscillator A frequency, Oscillator A pulse width, filter cutoff