From the file:
How Can I Get My Little Brother From Touching My Kit? comes the PatchBlocks minijam studio. This miniaturized electronic music studio contains a drum machine, a wavetable synth, a standalone analog filter and a mixer + recorder. PatchBlocks came up with the philosophy in 2016 with the idea of creating a music environment, which was “accessibile, affordable and fun.”
PatchBlocks started by soliciting feedback from customers and retailers and the consensus was more hardware, less software. The result was not just one single unit, it ended up in a whole product line, which combines a lot of different studio hardware in a small size. minijam is based on the idea of what happens when you boil down a hardware studio or live performance setup to very compact and affordable products. Maybe compromising pro-features, but not compromising the enjoyment of noodling and jamming with such machines.
The studio includes a drum machine, a wavetable synthesizer, an analog filter, a mixer and a speaker. It gives you the feel of jamming with hardware equipment, all bundled in a ready-to-use set with impressive sound. Each device is powered by a rechargeable battery and can be used standalone or as part of the set. You don’t need any software or mobile phone. The mixer keeps all connected devices synchronized and also allows for the integration of other hardware with its sync triggers on the second channel of the stereo connectors. It gives you the feel and fun of jamming with hardware equipment, all bundled in a ready-to-use set with decent sound quality.

tek.drum – Drum Machine Features:
» 8 Drum-Synthesis tracks with 4 parameters per track
» 8 Patterns with 16 steps
» automation and parameter locks of all 32 parameters
» pattern chaining up to 128 steps
» global delay send effect
» save patterns and automation to flash
» up to 12h battery life
tek.waves – Wavetable Synthesizer Features:
» 16 fully automatable sound parameters divided into 4 pages
» 4 wavetable banks
» arpeggiator withhold, octave range and arp mode settings
» 4 patterns with up to 128 steps per pattern
» scale select, and 2-octave keyboard within selected scale
» global delay send effect
» save patterns and automation to flash
» up to 12h battery life
tek.filter – Analog Filter Features:
» audio input and output
» 2 pole resonant low-pass / band-pass filter
» up to 40h battery life
.hub – Mixer and Recorder Features:
» 3 mono channel input with sync trigger output per channel (stereo cable)
» digital encoder and display to set tempo
» 44.1kHz 16bit .wav recording to micro SD card
» up to 8h battery life
Each device is powered by a rechargeable battery and can be used standalone or as part of the set. You don’t need any software or mobile phone. Our mixer allows you to also integrate other hardware with it’s trigger syncing feature. Although we don’t usually report on products being launched on Kickstarter due to reliability and delivery issues, PatchBlocks is a known entity and the minijam studio is reportedly all set for production.
PatchBlocks’ minijam studio can be scored for just 99 quid, during this Kickstarter campaign. Normal price £130.