Touch Innovations Releases Kontrol Master Controller

Touch Innovations has released Kontrol Master, a “touch-technology-driven” desktop design that claims to speed up workflow with enhanced ergonomic control of unlimited DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) virtual faders and knobs.


Kontrol Master integrates its user’s second hand into the musical mix by employing a precision and responsive knob to control virtual knobs, faders, and more. Music production workflow is enhanced by simply hovering the mouse pointer over the object to be controlled and immediately start using that knob for a true tactile feel.

Kontrol Master Specifications:

» Compatible Platform(s) Windows, Mac, Ubuntu
» USB Powered
» 10 Customizable Buttons
» High resolution Knob encoder
» Width: 7 3/32 inch / 260 mm
» Height: 10 15/64 inch / 88 mm
» Depth: 3 15/32 inch / 180 mm
» Weight: 1.43 lb / 650 gr


Using this controller gives you such a fluid, comfortable response, but, more than that, you get precision. Whereas, you can overshoot and undershoot using your mouse and keyboard, which can be frustrating. So adding a hover-dynamic experience — to simply be able to go over any of the key elements, move along, and edit on the fly is a really handy tool. Not only that, it’s capacitive, so you can touch. On the knob you’re touching things to control, so you’ve got full vertical, rotary, and horizontal control throughout any software — whether it’s Windows, Mac… even Linux. On top of that, all the buttons are preprogrammed. We have custom layouts for Reason, Ableton, Logic, and more. You can also customize it and save those settings, so you have your own defaults when you start. Cooler still the transport windows let you use multiple monitors… simply tap the buttons and — from the same position that you’re already at on your screen — this will instantly take you to your secondary monitor, without having to keep searching for your mouse, so you can do what you need to do. —Touch Innovations COO Cody Myer

Kontrol Master’s single knob provides accurate control of different objects in various software interfaces. Pressing one of the three white buttons allows that knob to control vertical, rotary, and horizontal objects. The two orange buttons let users instantly surf across multiple monitors. These and all other buttons make it possible to fire a combination of up to 24 different kinds of actions, like keystrokes, shortcut keys, and MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) events. Essentially a plug-and-play device, Kontrol Master makes more time to focus on projects while reducing the strain of countless hours that would otherwise be spent editing.


Touch Innovations’ Kontrol Master is available now for $299.
Touch Innovations

Author: FutureMusic

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