Confusion Studios Premiers MDDX1 & MDDX2, New iPad MIDI Controller Apps For Yamaha Reface DX

Confusion Studios has premiered the MDDX1 and MDDX2, two new iPad MIDI controller apps for the Yamaha Reface DX. Yamaha’s Reface DX is a portable, FM-synthesis-based keyboard and each app has a unique approach to controlling the Reface DX.

midi-designer-reface-dx mmdx1 futuremusic

The Editor: MDDX1 by Helfried

MDDX1: Voice Editor for Reface DX by Helfried highlights his eye for design, deep attention to detail, and desire to push the underlying platform – MIDI Designer Pro 2 – to new heights. It allows for control of every parameter on the Reface DX and provides surprising new control vistas. The App extends the Reface DX’s interface, providing a much-needed algorithms display, Master Tune, Transpose, Randomize and other new sections.

MDDX1 will run on any iPad with iOS 9.3 or better and will be available on March 1, 2017 for download for $9.99. The app purchase may be applied towards a bundle purchase including MIDI Designer Pro 2.


Performance Tool: MDDX2 by Ibo Kai

MDDX2: Performance Tool for Reface DX by Ibo Kai is an additional, performance focused interface for the Reface DX. As the author of the layout puts it, “This layout is pretty simple, just one page shows all the available functions. It is mainly what you find in the ‘FM’ keypad of the synth: frequencies, levels and feedback settings separately per operator plus the algorithm select.” In addition, Ibo Kai added an Amp Mode section. This auxiliary controller for the Reface DX is intended for live and studio performance, where a full-blown editor is not practical.

MDDX2 will run on any iPad with iOS 9.3 or better and will be available on March 1, 2017 for download for $3.99. The app purchase may be applied towards a bundle purchase including MIDI Designer Pro 2.

MDDX1 and MDDX2 join the four existing standalone MIDI Designer apps for dedicated control: MIDI Designer XW: Casio XW Solo Synth Controller, MD77: Voice Editor for Yamaha SY77/TG77 by Ibo Kai, MDClav: Clavinova Controller by Craig Knudsen and MDXG: XG Sound Set Controller by Craig Knudsen.

Confusion Studios

Author: FutureMusic

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