Tom Holkenborg, aka Junkie XL, announced that he has left the Deadpool sequel in support of recently departed director, Tim Miller, who abandoned the project earlier after clashing with star Ryan Reynolds. Holkenborg, who got his start as an electronic musician, migrated to film and has composed music for Point Break, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Mad Max: Fury Road, and the upcoming Justice League, Dark Tower and Godzilla 2.
Facebook Statement:
“It is with a heavy heart that I have decided not to score the upcoming Deadpool movie. I love this character and creating his and the movie’s original score was a monumental chapter in my life, personally and professionally. Since it was revealed that Deadpool’s brilliant, creative director Tim Miller will not be involved in the project anymore, I have undertaken some soul-searching. Tim was the driving force behind Deadpool and me getting involved in this amazing project. Deadpool without Tim at the helm just does not sit right with me, and that is why I have decided not to be involved in the second chapter. It was a difficult decision, as I love the project so much, and I know how eagerly the next installment will be anticipated. It’s hard to walk away from something so unique, but it also has to feel right.”
It’s a shame that the pre-production of Deadpool 2 is such a mess. The film hit the perfect note between comedy and action and most of that has to do with the film’s aesthetic, the directing and Reynold’s pitch perfect take on the character…no easy task. There have been many reports on what caused Miller to walk away, but most cite that the disagreement centers around Miller wanting a more polished follow-up, while Reynolds wanted to stick to the lo-fi approach that worked so well in the original. Although fans are clamoring for Quentin Tarantino to take on the project, and you know it would rock with him at the helm, it doesn’t seem to fit into his “I’m directing ten films and then retiring” agenda. Other directors in contention are reportedly Drew Goddard, Magnus Martens and David Leitch, who has emerged as the frontrunner according to Variety.