Reed Pop put on a stellar Comic Con this year with booths, displays and lectures pouring out into every orifice that the expansive Javits Center has to offer. If that wasn’t enough, there were events and seminars all over the city and they even added a mini version of BookCon into the mix.
We are always on the lookout for multimedia trends, storytelling threads and innovative ways to create and distribute content. Unlike the multitude of other conventions we attend every year, Comic Con offers a unique approach and allows us to interview content creators that we normally don’t cross paths with. Whether it’s Howard Shore, brilliant artists from the show floor or some of the passionate attendees, Comic Con always leaves us wanting more. This year didn’t disappoint. One of the standouts was speaking with the producers, writers and actors of SyFy’s The Expanse.
Cast members Wes Chatham, Steven Strait, Dominique Tipper, and Cas Anvar were on hand, as well as authors Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck, known collectively as James S.A. Corey. We also got to speak extensively with executive producer Mark Fergus, who gave us insight on the sound design and music of the show.
Steven and Dominique discussed what we can expect from the Roci crew in the upcoming season, including Holden and Miller facing the after effects of severe radiation poisoning. The cast also hinted that some of the characters make some typically uncharacteristically different choices, including Amos, who is forced to confront the person he is without Naomi to guide his way. Even more revealing was the fact that Dominique and Steven cited a romantic connection between their characters Naomi and Holden respectively.
Creating A Villian was one of the sleeper panels for us, not only due to the excellent topic, but because Adam Withers and Comfort Love, the Action-Faction team behind The Uniques comic series, teamed up with Dirk Manning to showcase what it takes to create a deep villain. Whether you are a writer, an illustrator, a filmmaker, a sound designer or a soundtrack composer, this panel showcased how these writers develop a fully fleshed out villain. What took this panel to another level, was the fact the panelists teamed up with a brilliant illustrator to create a villain on-demand based on ongoing input from the crowd. Thus, while the writers were creating the character aurally, the illustrator was drawing the entire time. So much fun!

Listening to James Luceno, author of
Star Wars Catalyst, A Rogue One Novel, discuss his writing process was an unexpected treat at BookCon
On the floor, we discussed Marvel Universe, the wonky digital comic subscription app created by Marvel. Although staffers were reluctant to discuss the ongoing problems, lack of full access to certain popular comic series and possibly the worst user interface ever created by a content company the size of Marvel, we did learn that the team behind the subscription service is working feverously behind the scene to improve every aspect of the offering. Time will tell.
Music and sound design collide in the upcoming epic Sci-Fi summer movie, Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets. We spoke to the marketing team promoting the film, but none of the creators were on-hand to speak to the press about the film. From the untested cast to the horrendous name, we’re sorry to report that this film looks like its going to be a dud. Several of the scenes showcased lacked energy and the thin plot line didn’t help to grab viewers. Even with Luc Besson at the helm, and the latest CGI effects, this visually stunning film will have no soul.

One movie that was ever present in the Javits Center was Wonder Woman, but interestingly enough, wasn’t talked about much. Gal Gadot has been nothing short of a revelation in the title role. She’s got real weight and a solid presence and is quite believable in the role, which is no easy feat. Being a genuine combination of beautiful, strong and smart, Gadot adds a depth to Diana Prince, which hasn’t been showcased in the comics or the jiggly TV series starring Lynda Carter. Previews show Gadot kicking appropriate Nazi ass in the film, but we’re hoping that director, Patty Jenkins (Monster), can bring forth feminist themes without being preachy or didactic.
Well, that wraps up this year’s coverage of ComicCon 2016. See you next year!