New Beatsurfing DIY MIDI Controller iPad App Set To Debut

We’re getting some chatter about a new MIDI instrument app for the iPad. The Beatsurfing app will be available via iTunes on Wednesday for €10. Here’s what we can tell you:

“We’re releasing an iPad App that allows the user to draw their own MIDI controllers right onto the screen and play them by surfing their fingers — not just tapping anymore,” states Julien Vlek. “It’s got a very intuitive interface, and allows for the creation of 3-D controllers that could not occur in ‘real life’. It also features lots of retro-action for linking objects together and make them ‘talk’ to each other, as well as to any MIDI enabled device (Hardware, Software, or even CoreMIDI – Audio Background enabled apps).”

» Create swarms of MIDI objects that fit your most delirious setup dreams. Just drag and mod.
» Overlap objects on layers, create new organic systems that bring back a human feel to your performances.
» Each object can interact with your DAW and/or alter any other object’s behaviour, creating an infinity of combinations.
» In-app editing: switch between edit and play modes in a split second.

“This video features 4 “operators”: the Line, the Circle, the Polygon and the Fader. Each of these operators allows you to build your own MIDI instruments from the ground up as if you were drawing them on the screen. The distribution of the objects and the trajectory of your fingers then help to reintroduce variety and a human feeling to your performance.”


Author: FutureMusic

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