Weekend Fun: The Avenger XBox Controller

NControl has released the Avenger, an external adapter for the XBox 360 controller, designed to significantly speed and enhance a gamer’s skills. This steam-punky add-on claims to provide gamers with “a more immersive gaming experience, while improving situational awareness, accuracy, agility, and reaction-time.”

NControl Avenger XBox Controller

The Avenger allows for more rapid, fluid movements between individual buttons and analog sticks, allowing gamers to access up to nine functions simultaneously. Equipped with a stabilizer stand, customizable levers, high-precision tension straps, hair-trigger capabilities, and sensitivity adjusters, the Avenger can also be fine-tuned to your playing style.

NControl’s Avenger costs $59 bucks and is available now. More information on the NControl Avenger.

Author: FutureMusic

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