Musicovery Launches iPhone App

Musicovery is a eh, music discovery software, which allows you to program your own radio station based on mood.


The Musicovery mood matrix displays 2 axis, from calm to energetic and dark to positive; by clicking and fine tuning the position on the mood matrix, the company claims you can dial in the exact vibe you desire. The software comes with the obligatory Like/Don’t Like hearts so the software can learn your preferences. You can also search artists and create radios consisting of songs from similar artists.

There are two versions for the iPhone, Free and Premium:
Premium Features
» Hifi sound quality (instead of lo-fi sound quality); but when your mobile connection is insufficient (2,5G/Edge, 3G), you can switch to lo-fi to allieviate dropouts
» listening to your favorite songs only
» unlimited number of skips

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More information on MusicDiscovery.

Author: FutureMusic

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