Think Geek Unleashes Bliptronic 5000 LED Synthesizer

“If HAL 9000 mated with R2-D2 and their electronic offspring was tutored by Kraftwerk it would probably end up something like the Bliptronic 5000 LED Synthesizer.” —Think Geek’s Crack Marketing Team Think Geek’s new Bliptronic 5000 8-Bit synthesizer/sequencer is the first musical instrument by the eclectic cataloger. With an interface that’s reminisent of the Tenori-On, Monome, Block and the new...

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Cycling ’74 & Ableton Release Max For Live

Ableton and Cycling ’74 have released Max for Live, the bridge-product that puts the power and potential of Max/MSP inside Live. Co-developed by Ableton and Cycling ’74 over a period of more than two years, Max for Live effectively opens up the Live platform, allowing users to create and edit their own devices. Users are free to create whatever they can think of: unique synths and effects, algorithmic composition tools, or...

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