Paul Van Dyk Releases Lame iPhone App

Paul Van Dyk has released an idiotic iPhone App that is apparently targeted towards DJs, but no DJ we know would be caught dead with a Virtual Glow Stick. Here Paul is trying to look excited when describing a worthless feature like the Seismic reader:

The PVD iPhone application was created by Zip Design and Yuza Mobile and features a BPM Counter, Frequency Analyzer, Decibel Meter, Seismic Reader, Virtual Glow Stick, DJ Check List, Flash Light and an Itinerary Manager. There really isn’t much here to chew on for $1.99. The Decibel Reader might be cool if you want to get “an idea” of the loudness of a subway train, bus, sound system, etc. but considering the quality of the iPhone’s microphone, it’s really a toy. The other features are just plain stupid or available for free.

Pretty weak outing for Mr. Van Dyk’s personal brand. Even his Public Relations firm couldn’t find anything worthwhile about the app and instead decided to regale us with how great Paul is…yes, we know he’s a terrific DJ, but this app is piss.

Author: FutureMusic

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