Y2K9 Software Bug Disables Microsoft Zune 30GB Models

Microsoft Working On Patch

Owners of Microsoft’s 30GB Zune digital music player had a rude awakening today. When the system date hit December 30, 2009, thousands of players suddenly stopped working. Dubbed a Y2K9 Zune Bug by enthusiasts, several owners noted that shortly after midnight, their Zune’s went “toe-up” and wouldn’t boot. Microsoft is aware of the problem and buried the following statement on their zune.com site.

Customers with 30gb Zune devices may experience issues when booting their Zune hardware. We’re aware of the problem and are working to correct it. The Zune Social might be slow or inaccessible. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for your patience!

Why the exclamation point at the end of their statement? All cheery-like?? As if that’s going to make owners of their DOA 30GB Zune feel any better… “Hey, your Zune took a dirt nap, ain’t life grand?!!”

Author: FutureMusic

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