New Band-Branded Converse Sneakers Stir Controversy

Converse is rolling out band-branded Chuck Taylors for it’s 100 year Birthday Celebration with the debut of its Fall 2008 Footwear Collection that includes The Grateful Dead and Kurt Cobain. Converse’s goal is to sell a lot more of its sneakers “celebrate musicians who have transformed culture and changed the world featuring shoes designed to honor these pioneers of music who have disrupted the status quo.”

The design of the kicks are actually not half-bad, but the idea of selling mass-produced band-merch beyond the staples of t-shirts, hats and patches is noteworthy. Several Hip-Hop stars have lent their names and design ideas to sneaker concepts, but the majority are limited-edition releases aimed at trendsetters and collectors.

Other bands who are involved include: The Beatles and The Doors. Many fans and industry watchers have cried foul prompting Jeff Jampol, who handles the Doors licensing deals to declare:

“I know, I know, we’re ALL sellouts. But The Doors dug this, they were involved in the design and creation, and we hope you’ll agree they’re very, VERY cool. Or not. The Doors have NEVER been artists to shy away from controversy. We thought long and hard about this, and I gotta say, Converse Jack Purcells and rock go hand-in-hand, and have ever since the mid-sixties.” However, you know Jim Morrison is rolling over in his grave.

Converse is owned by Nike.

More information on Converse Band Sneakers.

Author: FutureMusic

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