Waterfall Releases Victoria EVO Glass Speakers

Waterfall Audio, a French concern, has released the Victoria EVO glass speakers. Made out of hand cut glass and featuring die-cast aluminum drivers, a neodynium tweeter, two mid-woofers and a built-in subwoofer, these lovely creations certainly have the goods to deliver big sound, but hearing is believing.

The idea behind the Victoria EVO’s was to provide full room sound, without the hulking presence of your typical speaker. The translucent enclosure is not only attractive, but gives the sense of lightness and air. However, utilizing glass does have some obvious sonic problems when used in a loudspeaker. Waterfall Audio claims to have countered the inherent problems with a technology they dub Acoustic damping tube, or ADT for short. Here’s their explanation…

“Glass is very dense, but it is a very reflecting material, which is a real obstacle to the conception of a speaker, as the energy generated from the back side of the driver, needs to be damped. In a conventionnal speaker, manufacturers use various damping materials inside the enclosure, but in the case of a transparent enclosure, it defeats the object of the exercise! The challenge was then to dampen this energy within the enclosure without using damping material, which appeared impossible. The secret of the functionning of our speakers is all in the patented technology Acoustic damping tube [ADT]. It is a very simple principle: rather than muffle the energy on the sides of the speakers, it is as effficient to muffle it at the source, that is, right from the back of the driver. The acoustic damping tube is therefore located at the back of the mid-bass driver and has 3 main functions: 1) Damping of the mid-range frequencies, 2) Acting as a hydraulic damper in the low frequencies to control the excessive excursions of the cone to notably reduce distortion and increasing low frequency power handling, 3) Perfect insulator between the driver and the glass sides.

We have no idea if ADT actually works, but the Victoria EVO’s sure look purr-dee.

The Waterfall Audio Victoria EVO speakers start at $2000 each. More information on the Waterfall Audio Victoria EVO glass speakers.

Author: FutureMusic

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