Zelco Releases Outi Vibration Headphones

We haven’t been impressed with the sound quality of the current crop of bone-conducting headphones on the market, not to mention that most of them look like they hit every branch on the way down when they fell out of the Ugly Tree. But it certainly hasn’t stopped manufacturers from releasing new versions.

The latest entry is the Outi from Zelco. You certainly won’t look cool wearing these puppies, which clip onto the back of your ears and transmit sound through your ear cartilage (…creepy! —Ed.). We haven’t given them a spin to tell you how well they work, but when a manufacturer describes the quality as a “sensual new surround sound,” you just know they’re going to come up wanting.

Zelco claims the Outi will last up to 8 hours on a single 90-minute charge via it’s built in amp. The Outi kit includes: amplifier with 4-step switch (off/low/medium/high) to control vibration output, a clip to attach amplifier to clothing or bag/backpack, USB cable to charge Outi from your laptop, AC adapter to charge Outi at home, and a storage pouch.

The Zelco Outi costs $110 and is available now in “limited quantities.” More information on the Zelco Outi.

Author: FutureMusic

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