iPhone Synth Application Uses Accelerometer For Tweaking Filter Cutoff & Resonance

iPhone Synth is one of the first application for the Apple iPhone that utilizes the accelerometer for modifying the virtual analog synth’s filters.

iPhone synth is somewhat of a dumbed-down version of Propellerhead’s ReBirth and other basic step-sequencers. An interesting attribute to this simple synth is that not only can you assign each note in each step of the sequence, but you can also set a particular oscillator per note. For example note one, can be a square, note two can be a sine, note three can be white noise, and so on. Unfortunately, you’re compositions are limited to three octaves.

But the best part, as shown in the video by one of our reviewers, is using the iPhone’s accelerometer to tweak the filter’s cutoff and resonance. Sweeeeet!

More information on the iPhone Synth.

Author: FutureMusic

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