Eiosis Releases E²Deesser – Creative De-esser Plug-In

Eiosis has released the E²Deesser, which we first told you about in October. E²Deesser is the first in the series of Eiosis’ new E²Processors for Mac OS X. The E²Deesser features Eiosis’ patented, exclusive processing structure and algorithm that brings a new approach to de-essing. It allows the independent processing of sibilants inside vocal tracks in an easy to use and efficient manner.

The Eiosis E²Deesser is available now for €150 (Native version) and €300 (TDM + Native versions) in the TDM, RTAS and AU flavors for Mac OS X. More information on the Eiosis E²Deesser.

Author: FutureMusic

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