Create Your Own Custom iPhone Ringtones With GarageBand 4.1.1

Apple recently updated GarageBand to version 4.1.1 and it contains a little bonus for musicians who happen to own an iPhone. You can now create your own compositions in Garage band and export them to your iPhone as ringtones in a no-hassle, no-hack manner. Finally! You can also export Apple Loops and iLife jingles to create a custom ringtones.

Here’s how to do it:

You need these exact versions for this to work: GarageBand 4.1.1 or later, iTunes 7.5 or later, and an iPhone with software version 1.1.2 or later.

• Set up a cycle region that covers the area you wish to use in the GarageBand song. The region must be 40 seconds or less in length.
• Once the cycle area has been set, choose Share > Send Ringtone to iTunes.

Real complicated right?? Now with this scenario, you can actually not only compose your own ringtones, but also create a mastertone out of the songs you already own without having to pay an additional fee. A way to get around the record label’s “double-dip.”

Please note, that you must have all the versions listed above for this to work.

More information on How to create custom ringtones in GarageBand 4.1.1.

Author: FutureMusic

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