Yamaha Readies BODiBEAT – Beat-Matching MP3 Player

Yamaha is set to release a new digital music player for DJs who love to exercise. The BODiBEAT MP3 Player, which will be released in limited quantities, actually beat-matches your music to your excercise pace. No, we’re not kidding you…

The BODiBEAT comes with integrated software that evaluates your music, probably using some type of granular DSP, and then matches the transients to the pace of your workout. It obviously works best for running, but Yamaha claims it will tune into aerobics, cycling and other common workout regimens.

There are four listening modes: Free Workout that matches music to your workout pace; Fitness, fine-tuned for aerobic exercise; Training for runners; and Music, which is your basic listening mode without the beat-matching features.

Yamaha has abstained from a massive marketing blitz thus far for the BODiBEAT most likely due to its insecurity on the product’s viability, but if it works as advertised, it’s very cool.

The Yamaha BODiBEAT will set you back $300. More information on the Yamaha BODiBEAT.

Author: FutureMusic

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