b2 Premiers mi Jam Mixer – Keeps The Punters Off Your Decks!

Now we can’t really tell how this works, but b2 has just premiered this mi Jam Mixer, a portable “DJ mixer” that works with digital music players including the iPod.

The mi Jam doesn’t actually Mix music but it may a good enough diversion to get your little brother’s grubby hands off you decks. The Mixer functions with the iPod or any digital music device including your personal computer and features two scratch discs which work in both directions with a variety of effects. Also included in the Mixer are two programmed rhythm selection buttons, digital voice, techno effects, tempo and volume controls. The mi Jam accompanies your favorite music and if you add the mi Jam Stage Mic, you can add vocals effects.

The b2 mi Jam costs $39.98. More information on the b2 mi Jam Mixer.

Author: FutureMusic

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