Kenton Upgrades Pro Solo MIDI-to-CV Convertor To MkIII

Kenton Electronics has upgraded their Pro Solo to Mk3 status. The new model is an update to its classic, single-channel MIDI-to-CV convertor, and one of the best ways to bridge the gap between your MIDI and analog worlds. The Pro Solo Mk3 features the same accurate and flexible MIDI-to-control voltage conversion that the previous model was known for, but adds several essential new features, including additional auxiliary outputs, a built-in ADSR envelope generator and the ability to generate trigger outputs for drum synthesizers.
kenton pro solo3 futuremusic
The Pro Solo Mk3 features a single MIDI-In to connect your sequencer or keyboard to, plus CV and Gate outputs to trigger both note type and duration at your analog destination. A MIDI Thru connector also doubles as a software-selectable sync so can be used, for example, to sync vintage drum machines up to a synth. Three Aux outputs complete the connections and now have continuously variable analog outputs. These can be assigned to an expanded selection of controllers now available within Pro Solo Mk3, and are commonly used to connect to destinations like the filter, volume or clock inputs on a synthesizer. The Aux outputs now also have adjustable slew rate (rise/fall time) to smooth out any controller jumps.

Other noteworthy additions in Pro Solo Mk3 include the built-in ADSR envelope generator (the controls for which can be assigned to MIDI CCs) and Drum Trigger mode, where the Aux outputs can be set up to produce a velocity-variable trigger pulse for drum synths, each with its own dedicated trigger note. There are also dual clock dividers which can be used simultaneously on different outputs (including the DIN socket when not used as MIDI out); an increased pitchbend range (now 48 notes up and down); variable gate-off time for re-trigger (multiple trigger); and finally MIDI Program Changes can now be used to recall setups. There are also 32 program memories which can store and recall such setups.
Kenton’s Pro Solo Mk3 is available now for £158.40.
Kenton Electronics

Author: FutureMusic

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