Audio Ease Previews Snapper – Mac Users Rejoice!

Audio Ease has developed an audio preview utility dubbed Snapper. The only available information comes in the way of a video demo, but it has certainly whet our appetite with its time savings potential, and could easily become one of our favorite Mac tools in short order.

Snapper works within the Mac Operating System in concert with the Finder. As soon as almost any audio file is selected the Snapper utility pops just below the Finder and displays the file’s waveform with a tool bar.

You can then playback the file or start using the toolbar to edit, select’n’paste into a new audio file or convert the selection into an MP3 instantly. The tool bar even has a utility that allows you to instantly email the entire waveform or a selection as a MP3, right from Snapper!

The program also works seamlessly with ProTools. Place the cursor where you want audio inserted in ProTools, then select the Finder to locate an audio snippet via Snapper. Once you find what you’re looking for, just hit the ProTools button in Snapper and presto the audio appears at ProTool’s cursor position. Very cool!

Snapper even works with iTunes. Find a track you like, select the intro and then just drag it to the desktop, or any other location – Snapper creates a new file on the fly. If you have large libraries of samples, Snapper could become your newest, bestest buddy by saving you an immeasurable amount of time finding, selecting and exporting just the audio section you need for the track you’re working on. Snapper can even read Dolby 5.1 audio. (Do you think she’s single? –Ed.)

No pricing or availability has been announced, but the demo makes it look like the utility is ready for primetime. More information on AudioEase Snapper.

Author: FutureMusic

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