../ Experimental Sky Orchestra Lifts Off
Luke Jerram, a sound artist, working with international hot air balloon
pilot Peter Dalby and composer Dan Jones has developed The Sky Orchestra, an ongoing research project that explores how one can perceive an sonic
experience while asleep. It is an experimental artwork bringing together performance and music to create visual audio installations within the air
and within the mind.

The Sky Orchestra's balloons fill the dawn air with music
Seven hot air balloons, each with speakers attached, take off at dawn to fly across
a city. Each balloon plays a different element of the musical score creating a massive audio performance that many hundreds of people experience
subconsciously as the balloons fly over their homes.
Many hundreds of people experience the Sky Orchestra event live as the balloons
fly over their homes at dawn. The airborne project is both a vast spectacular performance as well as an intimate, personal experience. The music is
audible, both consciously and subconsciously, to all those in the balloon's flight paths.
The next Sky Orchestra performance will be over Stratford-Upon-Avon, England
on June 21st 2006, commissioned by the Royal Shakespeare company and Fierce Television. This will be followed by a Dream Concert will also be
held at Compton Verney on the 30th June.

Each of the Sky Orchestra balloons are equipped with two speakers
has produced 14 separate tracks of music for this innovative experimental art project. Some of the best musicians from around the UK have been
utilized for this production including Daniel Newell on Trumpet, Katherine Baker on Piccolo, Philip Harmer on Oboe, Cor Anglais, and Japanese musician
Joji Hirota on flute and percussion.
The science behind this musical experience is based on the psychological study that
sound can affect the content of a sleeping person's dreams. The majority of dreams occur during the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stages of sleep. This
stage occurs once every 90 minutes during the night and last for increasingly longer durations of time. The majority of REM dreaming occurs during
the morning in periods of up to 40 minutes, and that's the reason Jerram and company chose dawn to launch their provocative concert.
Listen to Dan Jones Sky Orchestra compositions
Watch a short film about the Sky Orchestra
The Future: The best alarm clock ever?
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