
July 15, 2005
../ Native Announces Kontakt Experience
German concern, Native Instruments, announced the first instrument collection specifically
designed for their flagship sampler, Kontakt 2. Kontakt Experience capitalizes on the advanced functionality of the software's technology to turn the sampler
into a broad aural offering - meat 'n' potatoes sounds coupled to some mind-melting sonic booms - for
a package that rivals many hardware synths on the market.
Kontakt Experience includes 128 new instruments that cover a wide range of musical styles including
lead synths, bass, vocal sounds, drum kits, pads, guitars, various style construction kits, and more. Due to extensive use of the Kontakt Script Processor (KSP),
the unique programmable MIDI processing module in Kontakt 2, the instruments offer not only outstanding
playability, but also inspirational elements to creative composing.
Included in Kontakt Experience are 10 new KSP modules that are not only integrated with the instruments
in the collection, but can also be used with any other Kontakt 2 instrument. The new modules include a versatile
Chord Splitter, a Drum Computer, and a Loop Designer dubbed Melodymaker..
The 128 instruments of Kontakt Experience fall into the categories Performances, Motion & Pads, Vocalized,
Harmonized, Guitarized, Exotic, Melodic Loops, Lead & Bass Synths, Arpeggiated, and Drumkits & Drumloops. In a surprising move by a German company,
Kontakt Experience comes with an nice manual that includes detailed information on each instrument, including
its Quick Edit parameter assignments and KSP functionality. Nice touch!
Kontakt Experience ships on a single DVD and is exclusively for use with Kontakt 2. It will be available in
August 2005 for a suggested retail price of $119 US / 99 Euro from authorized dealers.
Visit Native Instruments
for more details.
The Future: Native continues its focus
on product support with this offering. Kudos to the company for supplying a comprehensive manual with expansive sound descriptions and panoptic details on all parameters - something
that is rarely seen in a German compendium.
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As the name correctly implies, Experiments In Sound, is Futuremusic's latest endeavor for pushing electronic music technology to the very edge of what's possible.
Experiments In Sound grew out of Futuremusic's avant-garde events in
New York City that featured DJ's taking mixing and live sound reinforcement to a whole new level with the very latest gear and software.
Now Experiments In Sound has become The Ultimate Mix Contest...
After the tremendous success of our groundbreaking The Next Big Thing DJ Contest, Futuremusic has decided to once again create a new paradigm...
Learn more about Experiments In Sound!

Futuremusic wants to thank everyone who participated in The Next Big Thing 2004. John Digweed, Beatport, Alienware, M-Audio, Native Instruments, IK Multimedia,
PVDJ, PK Graphics, Ableton, The DubHouse, Propellerheads, Technics, FreeFloat, The Church, PCDJ and every DJ who entered this year's event thank you. From the sheer number of
quality mixes, we can tell you that dance music is thriving in the United States. The amount of outstanding talent and creativity really blew us away, and every DJ who's putting
their heart, mind and soul behind the music is a winner. John Digweed has
made his decision and the winner is...
Think you got skills?? Then start practicing! The Next Big Thing 2005 will kick off at the end of the summer!!

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