
August 17, 2005
../ Amazon To Launch Digital Music Service
Amazon.com will launch a digital music service in the near future featuring
individual songs for download, as well as a subscription service. Amazon has had licensing discussions with all the major labels and is currently
evaluating several digital distributors including MusicNet.
Why would Amazon.com want to enter crowded and competitive field with razor thin
margins? Many investors have been asking the same question aloud. The long term strategy for Amazon.com definitely includes offering
a large quantity and variety of digital content. However, like the rest of the
online music stores save Napster, the short term strategy is not sales.
Amazon.com hopes to use digital music as a loss leader to bring visitors to Amazon's
web site so that they purchase their other offerings. Like Apple, Sony, and several others, Amazon.com is getting into the music business not for
music, but for other reasons. "iTunes sells $.99 downloads with slim 5-7% margins
to drive sales of iPods at $99-$499 with 25-30% margins, therefore if Apple wasn't selling the iPod, they would not be in the digital download business,"
states A2IM's Rob Weitzner.
The Future: "Other reasons" are what's hurting the digital music world
more than anything these days. Using music as coupons, value adds and loss leaders, Apple and others are devaluing music to the point that basically
substantiates illegal file sharing on Peer-To-Peer (P2P) networks. Music has depreciated to such a degree that now you buy a soda and get a free song,
instead of buying a song and getting a free soda. Soon you'll get a free song when using a coin operated toilet, when will it end?
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As the name correctly implies, Experiments In Sound, is Futuremusic's latest endeavor for pushing electronic music technology to the very edge of what's possible.
Experiments In Sound grew out of Futuremusic's avant-garde events in
New York City that featured DJ's taking mixing and live sound reinforcement to a whole new level with the very latest gear and software.
Now Experiments In Sound has become The Ultimate Mix Contest...
After the tremendous success of our groundbreaking The Next Big Thing DJ Contest, Futuremusic has decided to once again create a new paradigm...
Learn more about Experiments In Sound!

Futuremusic wants to thank everyone who participated in The Next Big Thing 2004. John Digweed, Beatport, Alienware, M-Audio, Native Instruments, IK Multimedia,
PVDJ, PK Graphics, Ableton, The DubHouse, Propellerheads, Technics, FreeFloat, The Church, PCDJ and every DJ who entered this year's event thank you. From the sheer number of
quality mixes, we can tell you that dance music is thriving in the United States. The amount of outstanding talent and creativity really blew us away, and every DJ who's putting
their heart, mind and soul behind the music is a winner. John Digweed has
made his decision and the winner is...
Think you got skills?? Then start practicing! The Next Big Thing 2005 will kick off at the end of the summer!!

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