
CD Spotlight


Together with Fabric Records, John presents Fabric 20, featuring tracks and remixes by Pete Moss, Martin Solveig, Angel Alanis, Michael Mayer, DJ Rasoul, Josh Wink, Slam, and many more.

Digital Spotlight


Soaring melodies fuel a music time machine launching the listener to the top of a world yet discovered. Reminiscent of the early works of Sasha and BT,
My Piano's uplifting melody, combined with a funky, asymmetrical bass line creates a progressive, feel-good vibe on the floor while providing a memorable
hook to take home until you next adventure in club land.

Vinyl Spotlight


Killer Progressive Tribal House from Spain's BeatFreak Recordings. Dark Iberican beast, dense pulsing basslines, it doesn't get much better than this Black Magic!

April 17, 2005
../ Apple Introduces Soundtrack Pro
New Audio Editing and Sound Design Application Available in May
Apple Computer
introduced Soundtrack Pro, a new application that gives audio and video professionals a flexible way to create, control and fix audio.
Soundtrack Pro features a waveform editor with flexible Action Layers that allow users to instantly re-order, bypass or change any edit,
effect or process. Intelligent Find-and-Fix features quickly identify and repair common audio problems such as background
noise, pops, clicks and hum. With full multitrack editing and mixing, over 50 effect plug-ins from Apple's Logic Pro 7, and more than
1,000 professional quality sound effects, Soundtrack Pro provides an intuitive, yet precise way to create quality audio.
Action Layers in Soundtrack Pro's waveform editor let audio and video professionals quickly re-order, bypass or change any edit,
effect or process. Integrated Action Lists deliver a complete history of edits and audio processing tasks, enabling users to revise
decisions at any time while experimenting with sound design. Effect parameters can be tweaked spontaneously long after an effect
has been applied to the audio waveform. Intelligent Find-and-Fix features quickly identify and repair common audio problems such as background noise, pops, clicks and hum and can be set automatically
or manually for complete control.

With over 50 professional plug-ins including Space Designer, Match EQ and Linear Phase EQ from Logic Pro, Soundtrack Pro provides
a substancial set of tools for audio and video professionals. Soundtrack Pro comes with over 5,000 Apple Loops that add depth
to the action and emotion of pictures with musical elements and sound effects ranging from earthshaking explosions and whooshes, to subtle ambient effects.
An integrated mixer with control surface support enables audio pros to interact with audio tracks using their perferred interface.
Users can apply common effects to multiple tracks and group common tracks using busses. Support for
Mackie Control surface protocol allows sound editors to use hardware faders and knobs for tactile control over mix parameters.

Soundtrack Pro offers unprecedented integration within Final Cut Studio, Apple's video production suite. Users can
seamlessly move between other Final Cut Studio applications and Soundtrack Pro for quick audio touch-up and creation. Entire
sequences from Final Cut Pro 5 can be taken to the Soundtrack Pro multitrack editor for more sophisticated audio post production.
AppleScript capabilities built into Soundtrack Pro simplify and accelerate the video production process by automating common and repetitive
audio tasks. Users can execute Soundtrack Pro scripts directly from within Final Cut Pro 5 any time they need them.
Automator, an application integrated in the new Mac OS X version 10.4, helps streamline more complex tasks without any programming.
Soundtrack Pro will be available in May for a
suggested retail price of $299.
The Future: With Soundtrack Pro, Apple has set its sights
on Bias Inc.'s excellent Peak 5. Although this should be a concern for Bias, Apple's handling of
Logic reveals that their arrogance is also their achilles heel.
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As the name correctly implies, Experiments In Sound, is Futuremusic's latest endeavor for pushing electronic music technology to the very edge of what's possible.
Experiments In Sound grew out of Futuremusic's avant-garde events in
New York City that featured DJ's taking mixing and live sound reinforcement to a whole new level with the very latest gear and software.
Now Experiments In Sound has become The Ultimate Mix Contest...
After the tremendous success of our groundbreaking The Next Big Thing DJ Contest, Futuremusic has decided to once again create a new paradigm...
Learn more about Experiments In Sound!

Part of Experiments In Sound, TestDrive will feature the lab results of our DJ Experiments so that everyone can get in on the action. Take the latest electronic music releases, mix vigorously
with bleeding-edge DJ technology in a large beeker, and then cook the hell out of it! Be the first to hear
about TestDrive by joining Futuremusic Direct.

Futuremusic wants to thank everyone who participated in The Next Big Thing 2004. John Digweed, Beatport, Alienware, M-Audio, Native Instruments, IK Multimedia,
PVDJ, PK Graphics, Ableton, The DubHouse, Propellerheads, Technics, FreeFloat, The Church, PCDJ and every DJ who entered this year's event thank you. From the sheer number of
quality mixes, we can tell you that dance music is thriving in the United States. The amount of outstanding talent and creativity really blew us away, and every DJ who's putting
their heart, mind and soul behind the music is a winner. John Digweed has
made his decision and the winner is...
Think you got skills?? Then start practicing! The Next Big Thing 2005 will kick off at the end of the summer!!

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