Tsinghua University Demonstrates Nanotube Speaker Technology

The Tsinghua University in Beijing has just released data about a new ground-breaking, nanotube speaker technology that they have recently developed. The new technology allows nanotubes to be utilized to create ultra-thin, transparent, flexible speakers. The speakers are so plyable that they can be affixed to the flag that you see below, or stretched at twice their length without affecting the sound quality.

Unlike conventional speakers, which employ vibration to produce sound, the nanotubes generate sound with severely fluctuating temperatures that create pressure oscillations in the surrounding air.

The Future: By not having to vibrate to produce sound, this technology could make a big impact in the mobile devices market, which includes PMP (Personal Media Players) and, of course, cell phones. In addition, this would could also be an effective advertising device for small billboards, public transportation ads, and in-store promotions.

Author: FutureMusic

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