Weekend Fun: Line Rider

This has nothing to do with music, but since we’re all in the middle of the Silly Season, we’d figured that many of our beloved, yet stressed out, readers could use a little downtime. So instead of plopping yourself in front of the Tele and drowning in your own drool, try a little Line Rider.

Although, the porn advert on the bottom of the page takes away some of the site’s sheen, the game is fun and mildly addictive. In a nutshell, you draw a line within the boundaries and then watch as some Frosty-the-Snowman type of character takes to the course. Try jumps, corkscrews, spirals, and other nonsense when you want to get away from Grandma’s Fruitcake, and Uncle Ben’s demented tales of fame and fortune…works for us!

More information on Line Rider.

Author: FutureMusic

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